This week is mental health week, raising awareness of the constant battle many of us face. At SJL we take on the responsibility of looking after staff and understand that everyone is human.

As the business has grown, we have put measures in place to support people mentally, whether that be internal staff or the work of our foundation.


What Is A Duvet Day?

We understand everyone has off days which is why we introduced a duvet day scheme. Allowing staff to take a last-minute authorised absence if they are not feeling up to scratch one day. Where they’re burnt out from a difficult week, have personal problems they need to prioritise, or are just feeling rough! It’s an initiative which has proven very handy for staff, with every member being allocated 2 duvet days a year.

What Our Staff Think

We reached out to their staff to see what they had to say about Duvet Days:


“Duvet days assist with taking a bit of time to recharge and take a bit of me time at short notice.

Refreshing your mind and body without the need to pre-book holiday, thus assisting the business with keeping staff motivated with this attractive benefit.”

-Stuart Dix- Senior Account Executive


“Duvets Days really are a great way for a business to show their employees that they understand ‘life’ happens outside of work, meaning that sometimes the ability to focus on our responsibilities and expectations in the work place can feel challenging.

Through my own personal experience, I took a duvet day earlier this year when the anniversary of a certain event meant that I felt I wasn’t able to give work my complete focus and attention. There were no questions asked, just complete understanding and the approval to prioritise my own mental health and well-being for the day.

To have this option available is such an incredibly supportive benefit, which allows employees to put themselves first, particularly in difficult times when their mental health must be of upmost importance.”

Holly Mitchell, Head of Talent Acquisition


“I have used duvet days for family emergencies that otherwise I would have struggled to get time off due to the timing. They are a safety net to provide support without having to impact your attendance record or holiday allowance.”

-Stefania- Existing Business Executive

At SJL we would love to see other companies try out this initiative.


As a business, your staff should be your first priority. That’s why we offer a free mental health nurse, duvet days, as well as other initiatives such as working from home, socials and entry into the Worcester run supporting the SJL Foundation.

If you are ever struggling with mental health do not hesitate to talk about it. The following points of contact are professionals we recommend approaching:

Samaritans. To, you can contact Samaritans 24/7. You can call 116 123 for free

Mind. A source of advice, information and resources with an infoline and helpline. You can visit  Mind or call  0300 123 3393

National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK. Supportive listening service to anyone with thoughts. You can call the National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK on 0800 689 5652 (6pm to midnight every day).

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM). You can call the CALM on 0800 58 58 58 (5pm–midnight every day) if you are struggling and need to have a chat. if you prefer not to speak on the phone, you could use the CALM webchat service.